Revista de Economía Financiera. Número 8 – 1º Cuatrimestre 2006

Titulares de los artículos

María J. Pastor Llorca y J. Carlos Gómez Sala
Predicciones de los analistas y expectativas optimistas de los inversores en las ampliaciones de capital

José Luis Miralles Marcelo y María del Mar Miralles Quirós
Valoración de activos con riesgo de liquidez en el mercado bursátil español

Begoña Giner Inchausti y Raúl Iñiguez Sánchez
Aplicación de los modelos Feltham-Ohlson a la valoración de activos en el mercado español

Ángel Berges, Emilio Ontiveros y Francisco J. Valero
En torno a las cajas de ahorros

This article develops the reflections of their authors about the most relevant aspects of Spanish savings banks, in which they have worked near 20 years. First, we try to explain the continuous success, commercial & financial, of savings banks inside the banking system. Frequently, that success is related to the singular ownership structure of savings banks, whose main features are examined. This singularity points to the relevant theme of their own funds, in particular to a kind of non-voting shares (cuotas participativas) designed so that savings banks can issue variable income securities. The strong expansion outside of their original territory and the social destination of part of their benefits are two key aspects which must be present in any global reflection about Spanish savings banks.